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Portal Vein Thrombosis in Cirrhotic Liver Disease
The decreased production of clotting factors and natural anticoagulants, reduced number and dysfunction of platelets, and an increased level of von Willebrand in liver disease, especially in patients with cirrhosis, create a very fragile balance between blood clots and hemostasi...
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eISSN : 2288-8217
pISSN : 2288-8209
Current Issue
Volume 9(1); May 2024
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Volume9 No. 1
Author's Index
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To submit a manuscript, please visit the Clin Exp Thromb Hemost e-submission management system at http://submit.e-ceth.org, read the Instructions for Authors, and log into the Clin Exp Thromb Hemost e-submission system. For assistance with manuscript submission, please contact: ksth@thrombo.or.kr.
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Editorial Office
Editor-in-Chief: Hun-Gyu Hwang, MD
Department of Internal Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Gumi Hospital,
179 1gongdan-ro, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, 39371, Republic of Korea.
E-mail: hwangpark@schmc.ac.kr

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Korean Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis
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205, Hangang-daero, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 04322, Republic of Korea.
Tel: +82-2-790-2426, Fax: +82-2-790-2429
E-mail: ksth@thrombo.or.kr, http://www.thrombo.or.kr
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